Travis Air Force Base (TRAFC)
Are you curious about the mission at Travis Air Force Base and hearing stories from those who serve our country? If you have answered “YES”, then you must consider joining the Travis Regional Armed Forces Committee (TRAFC). Your Chamber membership with the Fairfield-Suisun Chamber of Commerce or any Solano County City Chamber, allows you to join TRAFC. Further, if you have retired from military services or are currently serving as an Honorary Commander, you may join TRAFC directly.
TRAFC was originally formed in 1997 from the Solano County Armed Services Committee and the Military Affairs Committees of the Fairfield-Suisun and Vacaville Chambers of Commerce. It was designed to combine separate Travis Air Force Base support groups into a more effective regional voice.
Under the auspices of the County’s City Chambers of Commerce, TRAFC is the local community organization which supports the men, women, and mission of Travis Air Force Base. It’s membership is comprised of over 150 local businesses and civic leaders, including elected officials from throughout the Solano County, state, and federal governments. Its day-to-day administration is shared by the Fairfield-Suisun and Vacaville Chambers of Commerce. The committee is governed by an all-volunteer 17 member board of directors.

The organization meets monthly on the third Monday at Noon. At these monthly meetings, the group receives updates on Travis activities from the base’s Commanders from the 60th Air Mobility Wing, the 349th Air Mobility Wing, and the 621st Contingency Response Group.
Throughout the year, TRAFC members host events to honor the men and women of Travis AFB. Besides involvement in Travis AFB events, TRAFC hosts a Military Recognition Night, Commander’s Night, NCO Night, and the ever important Contractors Breakfast for businesses on “How to do Business with the Travis Air Force Base”.
In the past, the organization’s members visited congressional leaders in Washington DC to seek support for military construction projects, military benefits, equipment improvement, and additional missions. TRAFC also leads efforts to achieve necessary support from local governments, agencies, and businesses on matters crucial to the base and its operations.
In short, TRAFC is the community eyes, ears, and voice for the people of Travis Air Force Base.
Consider joining the Travis Regional Armed Forces Committee today and support the men and women of Team Travis! Membership is available with annual dues of $150.
Call the Chamber at (707) 425-4625 and sign-up today!
TRAFC Chairperson, Kelly Bria –